Our Entertainment Unit
Under the leadership of Director Brad Davis since 2011, EEU has become widely recognized as a competitive entertainment unit & successful, high-quality instrumental music program.
From the Director
Our Mission in the Entertainment Unit is to continuously prepare students for lifelong appreciation of performing arts, whether as enthusiasts or professional artists by:
* providing ensembles designed to meet student needs wherever they are personally and professionally from year to year,
* studying the history of our musical art so that we can interpret the new with an educated viewpoint,
* supporting youth leadership and mentorship for a diverse student population,
* facilitating high quality performance opportunities for individuals and ensembles,
* focusing on building community through the arts.
About our Leadership >
Performance Focus
Performance Skills encompass student learning before, during, and after a show, a recording session, or an audition. EEU supports various performance opportunities throughout the year including: SCSBOA Marching & Concert Festivals, Education Performance Tours, Jazz & Classical Combos, Honor Band Tryouts, National Festivals, Professional Musician Masterclasses and more. About our Music Program >
What We Do
Esperanza Entertainment Boosters assists the Esperanza High School, Band Director, in support of the high-quality music education program under his leadership, by providing additional music expertise services, enriched performance experiences, and facilitating instruments, attire and transportation for the entire Band & Colorguard unit through the administrative and financial support of parents and sponsors. EEU Boosters Board is a nonprofit, non-political organization that supports the EEU music educators so that his or her efforts can be more fully dedicated to the musical education of the students of the Esperanza Entertainment Unit. We absolutely need our members and the community involved! Contact Us >
Thinking about volunteering with us? Your support today helps us continue this important work into the future. From chaperones to equipment roadies, from assisting an event to being an activity chair, all are important to the students and the directors. See how you can help>
Sponsor An Event
EEU offers a chance to showcase your business to hundreds of potential customers, who appreciate supporting a community business that supports their kids. See how you can contribute >
EEU appreciates our supportive members and partners. We welcome inventive ways to earn needed funds for the EEU. See our partner programs >
About Our Team
Director Brad Davis acknowledges Esperanza Entertainment Unit, made up of talented kids, supportive parents and boosters, as the biggest TEAM on the Esperanza HS campus. As a GRAMMY Signature Schools Finalist, the EEU proudly represents Esperanza High School throughout the Southern California area and beyond.

Concert Ensembles
Symphonic Bands attend national performance tours, including New York City to play at Carnegie Hall, Chicago’s vibrant music culture venues, and recently, EEU performed at Mount Vernon in Washington DC.

Marching Band
EEU Shined at SCSBOA in November 21 2021, placing 4th with the highest scores in the history of EEU.

Jazz Ensembles
Yearly, all EEU jazz ensembles perform at Jazz Festivals throughout OC as well as the prestigious Reno Jazz Festival.

Our Music Director has brought together choreographers, movement instructors and coaches to join the EEU Team. Our EEU Guards participate in WGASC competitions every season.

EEU Percussion provides the heartbeat for the marching band in the fall, and has enjoyed success competing in the SCPA circuit under instruction of front ensemble & battery coaches.