EEU Registration
Esperanza High School offers online registration & program handbook here.

Band Camp FAQ
Students must attend Band Camp to receive a spot in the EEU Music Program. Check for dates in advance.

Field Show Instruction
A quick “how to” for both students and parents…
Virtual Band 2020
In 2020, music students focused on creating virtual band projects and teachers planned socially distant concerts. EEU students produced projects with the help of web-based music platforms such as, MuseScore, to share sheet music, and Soundtrap, to record music. While the technologies aid instruction and music learning, these also facilitate the development of creative collaboration skills that elevate and prepare students for college and professional music entertainment.

Skills & Proficiencies
To become an accomplished musician, students work on four years of proficiencies. Students requirements …

Parent FAQ
Here is the place for parents & guardians to get some general questions answered.

Music Education
“Why Learn to Play?” Music education benefits, programs & associations to celebrate our music community.
For more information about our music education program, achievements and goals, see our Press Release history. To follow-up on specific information, please contact EEU leadership.
Bradley Davis
Band Director
(714) 986-7540 ex:13711