EEU offers expanded orientation events for program newcomers and all returning students. 2022-2023 Freshman Days and Summer Camps are scheduled for May, June and August. We look forward to seeing you there!

Print Flyer: EEU Freshman 2022
May Freshman Night
In May, this annual event kicks off our EEU 2022-2023 school year for students and parents too. Freshman Night welcomes 8th-grade students that are planning to join EEU in the Fall with an initial rehearsal along side the EEU Symphonic Ensemble. The Freshman Night event also offers a Parent Meeting in the EHS theater. Brad Davis, EHS Band Director, and our EEU Booster President, Minnie McCormick, will present the EEU Handbook so EEU families know what to expect. All parents can sign up for email and volunteer positions for next year.

Esperanza Entertainment Unit 2022-2023
Colorguard Workshops & Auditions start Monday,
May 2nd After School!
June Masterclass Camps
In June, Concert & Jazz rehearsals are a Masterclass/Clinic series offered to all EEU students and both 7th & 8th Grade PYLUSD students. Masterclass Clinics for this age group are an exciting opportunity to learn an enormous amount during a few hours from a professional musician but also from the more advanced students attending. Incoming Freshman will get a chance to focus on practicing specific skills for Concert music alongside next years’ students and leadership. Jazz Clinic hours focus on Improvisation skills, as well as, Big Band music techniques. Jazz Band Auditions are in August, so these clinics are a great jump start if students plan to try-out for Jazz next year.

What is a Masterclass?
Masterclasses are suitable for beginners to expert attendees with a genuine interest in the subject. Masterclasses for music focus on finer details of tone, phrasing and overall style. In a master class, all the students (and often spectators) watch and listen as the master teacher focuses on music performance of particular sections of a piece of music. Students in this case will prepare music in advance and the master teacher or clinician will give them advice on how to improve with anecdotes and demonstrations. Masterclasses are considered to be one of the most effective means of musical development.

August Freshman Friday
Another orientation event for 8th grade students is Freshman Friday. A great time for “future” slide show photos, Freshman and Student Section Leaders start practicing for Marching Band together the Friday before Band Camp.
Band Camp
In August, Marching Band Camp is all day for two weeks just before back to school in the Fall. Again attendance at these scheduled rehearsals and performances is super critical for students. The students will be learning and practicing the new EEU Field Show for Fall Competition season.

EEU Fun Days
“New Field Show” Preview Night & BBQ on Second Thursday
Pool Party for Students on Last Day of Camp
MAY 5th PARENT MEETING 5:00pm Covers all Band Camp expectations.