The last Saturday of EEU Marching Band Season, the unit will perform with 12 other groups in 4A Division for the SCSBOA Championships. The 2022 SCSBOA Field Championships is hosted by Valencia Tiger Regiment at the Bradford Stadium, November 19, from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. Spectator Parking is available off Bradford and Stadium Accessibility Parking is off Madison Ave. Bring cash ONLY for the box office and concessions. Ticket are $15 and children 5 and under are free.

Performance Timeline
3:10 pm Trailers
3:25 pm Calltime
3:55 pm Depart EHS
4:10 pm Arrive @ Valencia HS
4:40 pm Walk to Warm-up
5:50 pm Leave Warm-Up
6:02 pm @ Gate
6:16 pm Perform
9:45 pm Awards
10:45 pm Depart
11:00 pm Arrive @ EHS
EEU Students DO have Practice Rehearsals at 9:00AM until 11:00am!
This is an important performance. Band students must come to calltime wearing white V-neck tee, black shorts, full-length black socks, and clean Dinkles. Expect Chaperones to check you, as students board the bus, for hair pulled back from face, as well as neatness, two gloves and your instrument. Colorguards keep and transport all their supplies in their duffle bags.
We are staying for Awards starting at 945pm. Reminder that ALL students are also required to have a change of clothes, or you WILL be cold in the stands in V-neck & black shorts for 3 hours. Wear your show shirt, EEU sweatshirt or all black jacket if you have one. Mr. Davis and the student leaders will provide all the details about time allowed prior to arriving at designated stadium section. As always, EEU students are expected to be excellent spectators, to stay in the stands and sit with the band unit.